I shit you not this is frill, Adam Banton is mad. Check out his FLICKR for more pictures.
While on the topic of bikes I was browsing the tubes and found myself on the DEMOLITION parts web site and noticed they're coming out with ANOTHER front load stem called the Stealth. Its "endorsed" by mutiny shredder Randy Taylor so I assume its his signature stem (its 50mm and 9 ounces btw) but Demolition all ready makes a front load (f1) and a top load style bottom load (f40) stem. So far I have seen no ads, reviews or anything about this stem so its either so new no one has one OR its so similar to everything else on the market that no one will notice or care its been released. Don't get me wrong I love the fact its not drilled to shit and not split cap but I have a feeling Demolition will be retiring a stem from their line up and my money is on the f40 .
And here is one last stem that should be made into a second version The Animal Top Load stem is classic style and functionality with nice even proportions, I never mind a little bit of meat either. If they made a v2 of this stem it would sell better than their Jumpoffstem but kids today care about one thing only when it comes to a stem, the dreaded W word.
I'm also uploading more bike vids on my YouTube page, they aren't brand new parts but they are good and I'm hoping to get filming some shit for a IRMINUS web vid thing rider part. Here's something from the Red Bull No ProblemoDVD.