Monday, September 29

My Robot Ears #18

Sunday, September 28

Looks like yet another sick Edd Allen video to me.

Thursday, September 25


Now for a bit of a break from all the bikes and bike videos here is "Snow Footy Dump." The fellow former member of the old film crew "FLAWLESS Productions," has since started filming snowborads on grouse and this is the video. But honestly, I CANNOT, understand what the fuck wes was thinking down in his basement to make himself use the fist song. Oh, you know it well.

Jason Enns

Fish, as seen on Kill Em All Where did the headband come from?

Monday, September 22

Minus Video


I would just like to send a shout out to Mr. of NYC for supporting my video making habits and encouraging me do keep doing what I'm doing. Much thanks

My Robot Ears #17

Friday, September 19

I was just checking out Kanye West's blog out of curiosity only to be met with a trend making site. A big celeb telling people whats cool and how to be. But its not all bad I guess, I did find this architecture website []. This a great site, I went through 20 pages or so, and these are what caught my eye.

Thursday, September 18

Hit A Hata

As can be expected there was a lot of hate coming from the anonymous commenter's last night as we finally got "Stoked On Being omg. onto The Come Up. They always hate but this time Rick gave them an exceptionally lame email to go off. There were alot of emails saying how he should get up off Adam22's nuts. Even Steve Crandall has something so say, which brings our pro rider shout outs/ comments to an even 2. Its really funny when its not happening to you but its even funnier when its happening to Rick. The comments are here (via The Come Up)[].

[More Rick Nicholls:]

Wednesday, September 17

Chris Volkow Photo

This here image is again from my damie Chris "Fish" Volkow. I have been filming with Fish since grade 10 or so. From that time on until now Fish has been down with the Vancouver BMX scene from behind the lens of his video camera or his image snapper. I myself am not so down with the scene but enjoy the perspective that Fish shows us with his vids and pics. His Flicker account is in the supporting list, as it should be.

Tuesday, September 16

Im posting this one because my damie Chris "Fish" Volkow had a hand in the editing although hes not mentioned...

...oh, it made The Come Up front page at one point as well.

My Robot Ears #16

And it looks like the Acid Girls are going to be having an album out. So my animal instincts tell me. So, in light of this rumor that I just started here is their "This is who I am and this is what I want" mix []. And you can be sure that when this "album does hit the shelves I will get my greedy little hands on it.

Visit Acid Girls via. Myspace []

Monday, September 8

My Robot Ears #15

Toady's tunes entail a storey. Once upon a time there was a little town called, Princeton. This town was a shit town populated by nothing more than, cousin fuckers, crack heads, gossip folks and last but not least, hicks. These people were assholes and were known as shitty people (excluding a small few who were know as non other than The Extraordinary Few, who were cool).

Don't go to Princeton. END

Just found an old classmates new website where he posts his artwork and a live feed of him drawing new ones. Pretty sweet. For peeping purposes: []

Sunday, September 7

The official Boys Noize Records blog is now up. Equipped with tour dates, releases, and mp3's. I expect to see myself as a regular on this site, I recommend you do the same. The link [] is in the supporting link list for your convenience.