As can be expected there was a lot of hate coming from the anonymous commenter's last night as we finally got "Stoked On Being omg. onto The Come Up. They always hate but this time Rick gave them an exceptionally lame email to go off. There were alot of emails saying how he should get up off Adam22's nuts. Even Steve Crandall has something so say, which brings our pro rider shout outs/ comments to an even 2. Its really funny when its not happening to you but its even funnier when its happening to Rick. The comments are here (via The Come Up)[http://thecomeupbmx.net/post.php?pid=6959].
[More Rick Nicholls: http://irminus.blogspot.com/search?q=omg]
- Young Buck feat. Rich Boy - Hit A Hata [http://www.box.net/shared/osntlqja15]
[More Rick Nicholls: http://irminus.blogspot.com/search?q=omg]