First and foremost, I want to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who has ever support me. If there's one thing I've stuck with all these years, it's my passion for photography. It's been 5 years, since it all started and I'm going to start giving credit where credit is due.
Thank you to my parents for making this all happen by buying my first camera [ a shitty point and shoot camera that I got stolen from me at a house party when I was 16 ] Thank you to all the boyfriends I've ever had for letting me back you into corners with my shutterbug tendencies, and most importantly thank you to all my friends. What sides of your beauty and personalities you give to me and the lens could make every PROFESSIONAL Photographer envious. You are all my favourite subjects, and I never get tired of taking pictures of you. Given that by the time we're all 40, you will all have cataracts in your eyes, and hopefully by then I can pay you all out for your surgeries. I'd like to give a special shout out thank you to Gabe; I love you like a brother, and thank you for always supporting me!
Enough sap,
the big deal behind this post is I just bought a Canon Rebel XSI [That's 1400 dollars well spent] and I am delighted to finally sleep in the bed I've made [you know that infamous saying] I'm relishing in the spotlight of stepping out of the own box I put myself in and meeting the expectations of those who support my style. Here's to better quality pictures!
Note: I'm supposed to be having a portraiture photo date with this gorgeous woman; Caz. I found her on craigslist and we've been talking through email. I've never met her but I am more than excited to have her be one of my first subjects with this gorgeous piece of machinery!
I've added two pictures to this post, which are both taken by my new camera, and thank you I R Minus, you are motherfuckingpimp juice.
Be good snitches,

Wai-Lee Reid